Mini-Challenge Mini-Check-In!

We are a couple of days into our latest #SewcialistsMiniChallenge so it’s time for a quick look at what you have been making!

The challenge is to take one or more of the colours in our logo and sew, mend or refashion something inspired by the colour. We gave you a colour wheel to help you pick, though don’t worry – we can’t tell if you spun it multiple times to get the colour you wanted! 🙂

So far – we have a fantastic entry for all our colours at once from @ohsewmargy:

A lovely summery white entry from @raquel_sewing_knitting_in_asia:

A “yellow” (that’s mine!), which we can all agree is really black:

And two lovely actually black entries from @kaiarauma and @patty_learns_to:

As with last time, I just love seeing how people take these challenges and make the their own. There have been a few posts on Instagram with the colour people were assigned, or the fabric and pattern they plan to make – I can’t wait to see them all!

Chloe is a Sewcialists Editor, who lives and sews in Australia. She blogs at and can be found on Instagram here