The Giving Challenge: What will you do or make?

November’s theme month is The Giving Challenge (#givesewmuch). Here at Sewicalists, we often look for wide-open, accessible challenges that can be interpreted in multiple ways, to make sure that as many people can take part as possible. The flip-side is that keeping it broad can make challenge ideas harder to grasp hold of and feel cohesive.

To help with this, our announcement post had a bunch of great ideas and suggestions for how to take part in The Giving Challenge, in terms of both charity sewing suggestions, and gift-giving for special individuals in our lives. We are also going to be posting a few ideas of how the theme could be interpreted in the lead up to November — this kicked off already with Wednesday’s gift ideas post from Gillian, and there’s lots more to come.

Giving can also be a funny beast. Many of us draw amazing satisfaction and fulfillment from sewing for others, but it can sometimes be a double-edged sword. Sewing time is precious and carefully-guarded for many of us, so any sense that our gift isn’t appreciated can be pretty hard to overlook. Sewing for charity, family and others can even sometimes be another source of pressure to “keep up” with the unrealistic expectations and ideals of social media.

With all this in mind, we encourage you to do what you always do and make this yours. Be as creative as you like with the definition, and feel free to follow none of our suggestions if you don’t want to! This community is always creative and inventive beyond our wildest expectations — we suspect this time won’t be any different!

How will you interpret November’s Giving Challenge? Let us know below and help share ideas on how to #givesewmuch!