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Introducing Our New Editors!

We are so excited to welcome 5 new Editors to our team! They will join our three permanent Editors (Becky, Chloe, and myself — Gillian) from July 2019 to December 2019. Please say hello in the comments!

Hi y’all! My name is Jacinta, also known as PinkMimosabyJacinta on the ‘gram. I’m Australian by birth but Southern by the grace of God, or so they tell me (shout out to Charleston, SC my hometown… And just in case my Aussie family reads this and feels left out, shout out to Perth, Western Australia too).

I live in Seattle, Washington, and work in the tech industry as a Program Manager and as a Director of Operations at a fabulous beauty incubator called Parlor West — but my first and enduring passion is fashion. I’ve been sewing for five years but have been collecting vintage for 23 years! I’m on the board of the Greater Seattle Chapter of the American Sewing Guild and really enjoy getting to know the myriad of sewers in the region. You’ll most often find me hunting for interesting fabric at thrift and antique stores, dancing on the ‘Gram in my makes to 90s R&B and Lizzo, or pretending Pike Place Market and the rest of Seattle are a runway.

All the things I love in life — Queen of Everything Mariah Carey, travel, reading, and sewing — allow me to transcend my current state. Creating something for yourself is such a transformative and confidence-building exercise. I’m positively addicted! While the circumstances that led me to sew are not rosy, I am so thankful for the outcome. I love the relationships I’ve formed due to sewing, and I’m very excited to get to know the Sewcialist community and share my love for sewing with you all!

Hello! I’m Kate and I am a Canadian sewist! Married with two grown daughters and a cheeky little grandson, I love living and working in Ottawa, Canada, our nation’s capital city. You can follow my sewing makes on @cookkat62.

I’ve been sewing forever. My earliest memories are of sitting at my Mum’s antique Singer treadle sewing machine while she pedalled, and I sewed. I made clothes and accessories for my fashion dolls back then. As my sewing skills progressed Mum taught me to use printed patterns — early garments included a white blouse with buttons, classic A-line skirts, and pale blue culottes with a zipper for Grade 6 Home Ec. Over the years I made clothes for my girls when they were littles, and I always made their costumes for Hallowe’en. Currently my sewing focus is on making a well curated work/play wardrobe.

I am multi-crafted in that I also knit regularly and crochet occasionally, make jewelry, and avid thrift-er, and I will mend or alter most anything! Aside from sewing and crafting, I love to read and travel around this amazing continent by motorcycle! My husband and I tour together on our Honda Goldwing and when riding solo I use my 750 Honda Shadow RS.

In stark contrast to fashion sewing and to pay the bills and keep myself buried in fabric, I work for City Transit as a Materials Co-Ordinator complete with safety boots and neon yellow vests, managing bus parts to keep our City buses in peak condition!

I love Instagram and the on-line sewing community, and the open arms inclusivity of the Sewcialists. I find it to be so supportive, full of knowledge sharing, and highly inspirational! I am super excited to be hanging out with the amazingly talented team here at the Sewcialists!

Hello! I’m Sophy; I’m British but have been living in Hong Kong, studying, working and travelling, for the past 6 years. I live with my husband, two daughters, cat, and dog, in a little house by the beach and I love listening to the tropical storms while I sew.

I started sewing three years ago, and I am looking forward to the moment when my wildly optimistic plans match my finished garments. I am so spoilt by the amazing fabric markets in Hong Kong but these are also responsible for ensuring my stash is more than slightly outrageous!

I really love being part of the supportive and inclusive sewing community on The Sewcialists and am excited to be able to get involved behind the scenes. I can be found on Instagram as @Sophy_Sews_HK.

Hey all! I’m Erin — I’m American and hail from Iowa, although I’m originally from Ohio. (I’ve also lived temporarily in Germany and Scotland and miss them greatly.) I’m a university lecturer teaching English as a Second Language, and just realized that I have been teaching for about ten years now!

I learned how to sew in high school Home Ec class, and still have the only item I made (a twin-sized orange and pink block quilt, which accompanied me to college and every home I’ve had since then). I stopped sewing for a long time because I didn’t really enjoy all the small processes involved in sewing (washing the fabric, cutting the pattern, ironing the fabric, and so on) and I wanted instant gratification in my hobbies. About two years ago I rediscovered my old high school sewing machine, and picked sewing back up again, this time taking a lot more pleasure in all aspects of sewing a garment. I’m definitely still learning all the ins and outs of garment sewing, but my dream of having a completely me-made wardrobe is in sight!

I can be found @shortern on Instagram where you can see pictures of my sewing and knitting projects, my vegetable garden, and my two very cute dachshunds!

Hey there! I’m Amanda. I’m originally from Georgia but have found myself living in North Carolina after being in New Orleans and then Houston. I have a wonderful husband and am currently (very) pregnant with baby boy #2.

I fell in love with sewing after my son was born. I had learned to sew when I was in middle school, but hadn’t done much with it. I loved how satisfying sewing kids clothes was because I could start and finish a project in a day. That love turned into a little side business! When it comes to sewing for myself I often find myself taking on multi-day self care sewing projects. Funny how that works! I’m currently trying to be more intentional in my making by not impulse buying patterns and fabric (self control is hard y’all!).

When I’m not sewing for work or pleasure I can be found knitting, being outside with my first born, walking the dogs or catching up on bad reality tv.

I can be found on the Instagram @mandabe4r. I’m super excited to be a part of the Sewcialist team!

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