Who We Are: Call for Contributors!

It’s time for our next call for contributors for the Who We Are series! In this series, we explore how different identities might shape our experience in sewing and the online sewing community. We’ve explored many topics over the last two years, including being tall, petite, plus-size, or BIPOC. We’ve had over 30 posts in the series so far, and it’s well worth checking them out!

Who We Are graphic

This time, we are asking for contributions from the following groups:

  • Over 1 hour to the nearest fabric store: How do you plan and shop when you can’t just pop out for a zipper or some thread? Do you shop online or make the trip in person? How do you factor travel or shipping costs into your budget? #sewremote!
  • Left-handed sewing: Do you have any tools or techniques as a leftie? Any tricks for making sewing ergonomically friendly for your dominant hand? (Or if being left-handed makes absolutely no difference, let us know that too! We’re curious!)
  • Teaching children to sew: Have you passed on sewing to the next generation? What are your suggestions, strategies, resources and tips for teaching sewing to young people? How do you avoid them sewing through their finger or hovering over them until they get so stressed they never sew again?
  • Sewing with an acquired brain injury/health-related “brain fog”: Have you had a stroke, concussion, or other health conditions that have affected the nimbleness or stamina of your brain? Are you on medication that permanently gives you brain fog? How did you ease back into sewing, and what strategies let you sew? Those of you who follow my personal blog, Crafting A Rainbow, will know I’m still not fully back to work after a concussion in October. I had no idea how a brain injury might affect every part of my life, and I think the more we share about our own personal experiences, the better!

If you identify with any of these topics, please send us an email to sewcialists@gmail.com with 1-3 paragraphs explaining your experience! If possible, please also send in a picture (it’s nice for people to put a face to a voice) and a 1 sentence bio linking to where people can connect with you online. We will combine your contributions into group posts, like this one featuring LGBTQ+ sewists or this one about mental health!

We can’t wait to hear from you! And let us know what groups you think we should cover next in Who We Are!

Gillian love sewing knits in bright colours and crazy prints. She lives in Canada and co-founded the Sewcialists in 2013.