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The Sewcialists’ Top 5 Goals for 2019!

We’ve covered hits and highlights… so let’s carry on to goals! 

Keep Going

Look, let’s just start with the obvious, shall we? My number one goal with the Sewcialists is to keep publishing! That means not letting the Editorial team burn out, and keeping the community engaged and interested in contributing. I think the secret is to keep things fun, positive and inspiring for all of us!

Level Up Behind the Scenes

There is always stuff we could be doing better or more efficiently behind the scenes, like optimising our Instagram, improving SEO to people find us, and figuring out the smoothest way to get every post planned, edited, and scheduled! If we do all that stuff well, you shouldn’t be aware of the changes. 

Spread the Word!

We aim to be a sewing blog for EVERYONE, which means we always want to welcome new readers and contributors to the fold! You can help us by joining in our theme month challenges and using our hashtags like #sewcialists and #sewinclusive! I hate the idea that some people might feel alone or ignored within the sewing community, when we are all here just waiting to cheer them on.

(Could I BE any more of an Elementary teacher? I’d say sorry, but I’m not —  equity and inclusion are my jam at work and at play here on the Sewcialists!)

Keep Starting Discussions

Will we ever run out of Who We Are topics, Sewing Dilemmas, or theme month ideas? I sure hope not! In 2019, our goal is to keep being a platform for people to tell their stories, and share “aha!” moments with each other. Specifically, I’m love to see some content from cosplayers, non-garment sewists, young makers, and more discussions of what sewing is like around the world! 

Host a Kooky 4-day Challenge

When we started back in 2013, we used to come up with theme months on a whim, like Grunge Sewing, Viking Shieldmaiden Month, Sew Red October, and pretty much anything else we could think of! We once had a Sewing-Bee/Project Runway style challenge that was announced at 9 am and had to be finished by 5 pm. It prompted much hilarity as we tracked our progress online! I think it would be fun to bring back some of those impromptu and silly short challenges (like “make an accessory” or “sew something blue!”). What do you think? Are you game?

I’d love to know what your goals are for 2019, and what you’d like to see us do here at the Sewcialists! Happy New Years to you all! 

Gillian cofounded the Sewcialists in 2013. She lives in Canada and loves cats, bright colours and sewing! She blogs at .

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