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Sew Style Hero: Modern Classic

I’m Nakisha (working really hard to go by KS Sews in the sew-o-sphere!) of Dressmaking Debacles (@dressmakingdebacles on IG). I learned to sew about five and a half years ago and luckily found the online sewing community very early on. I love the diversity and tone of the Sewcialists blog and was excited to throw my hat in the ring for this month’s theme.

Long before I learned to sew, I just loved clothes. I would spend hours (really!) in my closet putting together outfits, trying out different combinations, working on “my look”. I can’t say I’m much into fashion as in, designers or current trends,  but I have always aimed for a specific look. I’ve leaned towards a tailored, pulled-together look of a classic style. I entered the corporate world at 21 in a position where I actually had a bit of authority. I was very young (and looked even younger) and it was, at times, difficult to be taken seriously. I sometimes feel that this shaped my early style. As I’ve gotten older my style has evolved from the stuffier side of classic to reflect a more modern take.

When I saw the call for contributors I knew immediately who my Sew Style Hero was! For years, I tuned in every Thursday, like clockwork, to watch Scandal. I mean, sure it was an amazing show … but Olivia Pope’s wardrobe!!!!

photo credit

She completely embodies the classic style and the silhouettes, fabrications and small details of her outfits always pop. And if you watched the show, you know ivory is her color!

I really wanted to choose someone for my style hero who was sewing related though. And you could definitely see Erica rocking anything in O.P.’s closet, right?!

I’m not sure how I initially found Erica Bunker’s blog but I remember being so excited that I did. I was inspired by her style; tailored yet modern, fresh and fun. I was pretty much amazed by everything she sewed.

Nearly every post I found myself thinking, “She needs to send that to me!” I cannot begin to tell you how many garments I’ve sewn because of Erica nor how many patterns have jumped the queue due to her posts.

Back then, Erica and I used the same pattern size and despite one of us, ahem, being several inches shorter, we made a lot of the same adjustments to patterns. I’ve teased once or twice about her getting all extra fit, messing up my ability to choose new patterns 🙂

I aspired to her skill level very early on. I too wanted to be able to produce garments that looked like I plucked them off of a hanger in an upscale boutique. I watched for new-to-me techniques, finishes, and her expert pairing of fabric and pattern. I have learned so much from Erica over the years and will probably always consider her my Sew Style Hero!

I’ve had McCall’s 7780 on the brain since it was released. Initially, I was going to use white linen like the pattern photo. But once I volunteered to contribute here on the Sewcialists blog, I knew it had to be ivory! So my new top is inspired by Olivia Pope in color and Erica Bunker in design … with my own personal style thrown in.

Thank you for allowing me to share my ramblings 🙂 I hope you will take a moment to think about fellow sewers who inspire YOU to create!

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