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I Don’t Really “Do” Me-Made-May (A Social Sewist’s Confession)

I’m a pretty avid user of social media when it comes to sewing. I’ve been on Pattern Review since 2002, blogged since 2007 and joined Instagram in 2012. I love interacting with the sewing community and talking about anything related to sewing. But, I don’t really *do* Me Made May, a sewing social media phenomena, and I NEED to talk about why.

I don’t have that large a wardrobe

I take a great deal of personal pride in making the vast majority of my clothes. But, between the time it takes to make garments and my shifting waistline I actually don’t have a lot of clothes in my wardrobe. Once, I definitely did the home maker’s version of ‘fast fashion’. I’d make something new each week with the fastest of techniques so I’d have something new to wear and blog. But, my sewing has changed and I take more time and repeat patterns. This means I have have a smaller wardrobe and fewer clothes than the average American. Because my wardrobe is smaller I repeat clothes within a week.

I’ve made a dozen of the above Cashmerette Concord tee shirts.

I felt like that didn’t make for the most scintillating MMM posts and certainly bores me a little to photograph and talk about. I tend to sew the same pattern a few times in a row to maximize on the time spent getting it to fit well. I haven’t sewn many bottoms so it’s the same tops in different colors with a rotation between the same two pairs of me made jeans. For the most part I think it’s kind of boring to see how I dress daily. Which can  be a lot of tee shirts and work out leggings.

I must have eight pairs of the above Jalie Isabelle leggings

I tend to show what I’m wearing normally on my Instagram stories.

I feel a lot less pressure of my own making for a “good” photo by sharing in IG stories. I use IG stories this way because I don’t mind my dirty mirror, with laundry in the background or office bathroom mirror as I talk a bit about what I’ve got on.

I’m old

Ok, I don’t actually think of myself as old. Ido think of myself as a Sewing Blogger 1.0. I started on Pattern Review back in 2002. I’d been blogging since around 2007. But, the first years of Me Made May passed me by without making it onto my radar. By the time I’d joined Instagram in 2013 Me Made May was already a thing and I was playing catch up.

Vintage Blogging Circa 2007

The first wave of people I followed on IG were actually a bit like me. They weren’t doing MMM either which led me to hashtag a lot of my posts, “MeMadeEveryDay”.  I originally felt like MMM was for a younger generation of sewist who needed encouragement to not be shy about wearing their handmade garments. I felt like I wore my handmade 99% of the time and didn’t need the same encouragement so I kind of ignored it.

Still Posting on

Which brings me to the time I did do Me Made May.

Why did I? Well, I got my beloved selfie stick and it made taking pictures much much easier! I lost any self consciousness about a photo not being ‘instagram worthy’.

I also started to see the value Me Made May had for me. For me, MMM is a time to reiterate that there is value in your workhorse patterns and you don’t have to make the latest and greatest sewing pattern that just came out. I also appreciate that MMM is a time to show that you don’t need to wear something new or different every single day to feel like an accomplished sewist. Having a curated closet that works for me and my lifestyle has helped me feel good in the skin I’m in. I take MMM as a time to get on my bully pulpit and challenge yourself to find what works for you and not make what everyone else is sewing.

I REALLY appreciated that this is a time for people to post their ‘boring’ garments. I could see others were re-wearing thier clothes, made multiples of one item and developing a wardrobe that works for them. I also adore seeing older garments from my sewing friends. It reminds me what can be made and an opportunity to see something they are proud of again.

So, now I’m sporadic participant. And, it’s FINE. It really is all good. Me Make Everyday. Me Make in May. Just Make.

Renee Samuels still blogs from Baltimore, Maryland, USA at because she is old and posts more regularly on Instagram as @MissCeliesPants

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